10 Postpartum Recovery Tips

Ask for help As a former postpartum nurse, I noticed how often new mothers put their needs last. It seems often families look at postpartum time as party time. I have seen c-section moms sleeping in the same room as 15-20 family members talking loudly and passing baby around for hours. My best advice isContinue reading “10 Postpartum Recovery Tips”

10 Post-Partum Yoga Poses for New Moms

 Child’s Pose Come into Child’s Pose. Squeeze the muscles that you use when you’re on your third cocktail (or sparkling water!), you’re busting for the loo, and there is a line out the door of the ladies. Hold for five seconds, then release. Rest for ten seconds and then repeat. Try to do it fiveContinue reading “10 Post-Partum Yoga Poses for New Moms”

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