10 Post-Partum Yoga Poses for New Moms

 Child’s Pose Come into Child’s Pose. Squeeze the muscles that you use when you’re on your third cocktail (or sparkling water!), you’re busting for the loo, and there is a line out the door of the ladies. Hold for five seconds, then release. Rest for ten seconds and then repeat. Try to do it fiveContinue reading “10 Post-Partum Yoga Poses for New Moms”

10 Powerful Poses In Yoga For Osteoporosis

Uttanasana Also Known As – Padahastasana, Hasta Padasana, Standing Forward Bend Benefits – This asana stretches, tones, and strengthens the bones in the lower spine, legs, and hips. It also ensures that every part of the body is oxygenated and balanced. It works on the reproductive system and improves hormonal imbalances. Just ease into the asana. DoContinue reading “10 Powerful Poses In Yoga For Osteoporosis”

10 Yoga Poses for Weight Loss

Plank Holding a plank may be one of the best ways to strengthen your core. It may not look like much, but drop into plank and it won’t take long to feel it in your abs. Subtle adjustments can increase the intensity even more. Energetically draw your heels and the top of your head inContinue reading “10 Yoga Poses for Weight Loss”

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