Top 10 Workout Mistakes

1.Doing Cardio “The Wrong Way”:  There’s a delicate balance when it comes to cardio- If you don’t do enough you are cheating yourself, but if you do too much you are needlessly exhausting yourself. The most important thing to remember is you want to reach your cardio potential by not doing less than 25 minutes orContinue reading “Top 10 Workout Mistakes”

Top 10 Healing Foods

Garlic Garlic has long had a reputation as a natural antibiotic. In fact, one study by researchers from the University of East London found that the allicin present in garlic was effective against the most antibiotic-resistant strains of “superbug” MRSA. While it is inadvisable to ditch the antibiotics without seeking professional advice, for minor conditionsContinue reading “Top 10 Healing Foods”

The 10 Worst Diets for Weight Loss

The Daniel Fast, or Shepherd diet, requires dieters to fast and pray in the pursuit of better health. Actor Chris Pratt has done the Daniel Fast, which requires eating only fruits, vegetables, and unleavened bread for 21 days, as well as praying daily. The goal of the diet, according to its website, is to help dieters “focusContinue reading “The 10 Worst Diets for Weight Loss”

Top 10 Fitness Myths

Sweat and Soreness Are Signs of a Good Workout My client looked at me, bewildered. She’d just finished a strength workout (in a cool studio, during winter) and couldn’t believe she wasn’t dripping in sweat. True, chasing sweat and soreness can be tempting because it’s concrete evidence that we did something. And popular “fitspo” memes reinforce theContinue reading “Top 10 Fitness Myths”

10 The most extreme weight loss methods

The Chemical Diet The chemical diet consists of forcing yourself to only eat lean, unfried meat, water, eggs and vegetables, with no fat and just a tiny bit of bread or fruit – hardly a laugh a minute! Apparently the combination of foods is supposed to interact chemically to burn fat. We’ll admit that thisContinue reading “10 The most extreme weight loss methods”

10 Yoga Poses For Better Sex

Cat Pose (Marjaryasana) and Cow Pose (Bitilasana) Often performed together, these poses help you loosen up the spine and relax. This helps lower your overall stress levels and makes it easier to get into the mood. Start this pose on all fours. Make sure your wrists are underneath your shoulders and your knees are inContinue reading “10 Yoga Poses For Better Sex”

10 Best Yoga Poses For Better Sleep

Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana) To perform this pose, stand with the feet about six inches apart and fold the torso to the ground, reaching toward the ground or bending the arms and grabbing opposite hand to opposite elbow. In addition to helping to relieve headaches and insomnia, the pose can also be helpful for loweringContinue reading “10 Best Yoga Poses For Better Sleep”

10 HERBS & SPICES Boost The Immune System

TURMERIC Turmeric has become a hot topic in health food-o-sphere and for good reason. While it’s known for being added to delicious curries, its uses are becoming increasingly more versatile. I love it because it is so easy to add to the diet, which simply makes it easier to reap the amazing health benefits ofContinue reading “10 HERBS & SPICES Boost The Immune System”

10 Post-Partum Yoga Poses for New Moms

 Child’s Pose Come into Child’s Pose. Squeeze the muscles that you use when you’re on your third cocktail (or sparkling water!), you’re busting for the loo, and there is a line out the door of the ladies. Hold for five seconds, then release. Rest for ten seconds and then repeat. Try to do it fiveContinue reading “10 Post-Partum Yoga Poses for New Moms”

10 Powerful Poses In Yoga For Osteoporosis

Uttanasana Also Known As – Padahastasana, Hasta Padasana, Standing Forward Bend Benefits – This asana stretches, tones, and strengthens the bones in the lower spine, legs, and hips. It also ensures that every part of the body is oxygenated and balanced. It works on the reproductive system and improves hormonal imbalances. Just ease into the asana. DoContinue reading “10 Powerful Poses In Yoga For Osteoporosis”

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