10 Perfect Fitness Gifts for Women

THE SMART MAT This new, smart mat is the must-have tool for her yoga sessions. Whenever she’s done, she just needs to flip the mat over, click, and let it roll on its own. At 5 mm thick, there’s plenty of cloud-like cushioning for her elbows, wrists and knees. 2. Leggings + Top This combinationContinue reading “10 Perfect Fitness Gifts for Women”

10 Shocking Fitness Facts

Exercise Won’t Make You Thin Many people use exercise as their sole method of weight management, however studies have shown that exercise, when not combined with dietary changes, does very little in respect to losing weight. A study published in The British Journal of Sports Medicine found that when a group of obese people completedContinue reading “10 Shocking Fitness Facts”

Top 10 Signs of Overtraining

Decreased performance. The telltale sign of overtraining is a lack of improved performance, despite an increase in training intensity or volume. Decreased agility, strength and endurance, such as slower reaction timesand reduced running speeds are all common signs of overtraining. 2. Stalled progress The relationship between workload and recovery is dysfunctional and your acute workoutContinue reading “Top 10 Signs of Overtraining”

Top 10 Workout Mistakes

1.Doing Cardio “The Wrong Way”:  There’s a delicate balance when it comes to cardio- If you don’t do enough you are cheating yourself, but if you do too much you are needlessly exhausting yourself. The most important thing to remember is you want to reach your cardio potential by not doing less than 25 minutes orContinue reading “Top 10 Workout Mistakes”

Top 10 Fitness Myths

Sweat and Soreness Are Signs of a Good Workout My client looked at me, bewildered. She’d just finished a strength workout (in a cool studio, during winter) and couldn’t believe she wasn’t dripping in sweat. True, chasing sweat and soreness can be tempting because it’s concrete evidence that we did something. And popular “fitspo” memes reinforce theContinue reading “Top 10 Fitness Myths”

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