10 Postpartum Recovery Tips

Ask for help As a former postpartum nurse, I noticed how often new mothers put their needs last. It seems often families look at postpartum time as party time. I have seen c-section moms sleeping in the same room as 15-20 family members talking loudly and passing baby around for hours. My best advice isContinue reading “10 Postpartum Recovery Tips”

Exercise Tips For Pregnancy

Brisk walking If pre-pregnancy exercise levels were low, a quick stroll around the neighborhood is a good way to start.This will provide a cardiovascular workout without too much impact on the knees and ankles. It can be done for free, almost anywhere, and at any time during pregnancy. Safety tip: As pregnancy progresses, your centerContinue reading “Exercise Tips For Pregnancy”

10 Ways To Get Back Into Shape After Giving Birth

Get Started While You’re Pregnant If you are still pregnant, it is normal to gain weight, but that shouldn’t allow you to throw caution to the wind and start eating chocolate cake for breakfast or a family-size bag of chips for an afternoon snack. You will have cravings, and you should indulge yourself from timeContinue reading “10 Ways To Get Back Into Shape After Giving Birth”

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