8 Biggest Myths About Calories

Myth 1: All calories are the same In the past few years, we’ve learned a lot more about how our bodies react to identical calorie levels from different foods, and a new Harvard study is further proof. Another recent study found that saturated fats, like those found in butter, whole milk, and fatty meats, mayContinue reading “8 Biggest Myths About Calories”

Top 10 Healing Foods

Garlic Garlic has long had a reputation as a natural antibiotic. In fact, one study by researchers from the University of East London found that the allicin present in garlic was effective against the most antibiotic-resistant strains of “superbug” MRSA. While it is inadvisable to ditch the antibiotics without seeking professional advice, for minor conditionsContinue reading “Top 10 Healing Foods”

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