8 Biggest Myths About Calories

Myth 1: All calories are the same In the past few years, we’ve learned a lot more about how our bodies react to identical calorie levels from different foods, and a new Harvard study is further proof. Another recent study found that saturated fats, like those found in butter, whole milk, and fatty meats, mayContinue reading “8 Biggest Myths About Calories”

10 Exercises That Burn More Calories Than Standard Cardio

Sprints Yes, it seems like running. No, it’s not exactly running. A sprint, in its truest form, is very different from a traditional distance run. When you run, say, 3 miles, you’re aiming to conserve energy as much as possible, keeping your arms steady and running in very upright fashion. A sprint? Now, instead ofContinue reading “10 Exercises That Burn More Calories Than Standard Cardio”

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