10 Shocking Fitness Facts

  1. Exercise Won’t Make You Thin

Many people use exercise as their sole method of weight management, however studies have shown that exercise, when not combined with dietary changes, does very little in respect to losing weight. A study published in The British Journal of Sports Medicine found that when a group of obese people completed 12 weeks of supervised cardio workouts without dieting, most did not experience any significant weight loss results. However, it is important to remember that, while it may not lead to weight loss by itself, exercise still has plenty of other health benefits.

2. Sweating has no correlation to fat loss!

Sweating has nothing to do with actual fat loss as it is merely a cooling mechanism that your body naturally employs to control your body temperature and keep itself from overheating.  Sweating is not only triggered by exercise.  Perspiration also occurs when the weather is warm, you become overwhelmed by stress, nervousness, anxiety, or you feel scared.  Losing fat comes solely from one major principle; burn more calories than you take in.  Studies show that if you want to burn 1 pound of fat, you must burn 3,500 calories.  This can be best accomplished by reducing the amount of calories you take in on a regular basis, as well as increasing your amount of physical activity.

3. Stretching Before Running May Lower Your Endurance

Many of us have been taught to warm up before exercise, however recent studies suggest that stretching before a run may not be beneficial to your workout. A study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that stretching before going for a run made a runner’s body less efficient so that they did not perform as well and were unable to run as far. Instead of stretching, try warming up with a walk and running-specific moves to mobilise your joints before your run. You should then make sure to include stretches as part of your post-run routine.

4. 60 percent of gym memberships go unused!

While purchasing a gym membership is the most widely accepted New Year’s resolution (over 15% of all American’s make this commitment each year according to WebMD), studies show that gym attendance dips back to normal by mid-late February.  If you are an avid gym-goer this can be a very stressful time for you but you can make the assumption that your routine will be back to normal by Valentine’s Day!

5. Facebook Can Boost Your Fitness Motivation

You may not have thought that browsing Facebook could help with your exercise goals, yet research suggests that signing up to the site could seriously boost your fitness motivation. Firstly, the constant lurking danger of being tagged in an unflattering photo means that social media sites have become a huge weight loss trigger for many of us. In fact, a study by Fitbit identified unflattering Facebook photos as the new number one weight loss trigger for Brits. Furthermore, more research from Fitbit has revealed that 64 per cent of those surveyed felt motivated to workout as a result of fitness boasts made by their friends on Facebook.

6. Crunches will not give you a flat stomach!

Another very persistent myth surrounding the fitness industry is the idea that crunches are the key to a flat stomach.  In reality, crunches do not burn very many calories and will deliver very few results if done exclusively.  If you want to effectively trim your waist, you will need to pair a balanced, goal driven diet, with calorie burning cardio exercises

7. Married Couples Do Significantly Less Exercise

While marriage comes with plenty of health benefits, research suggests that singletons are much more likely than married people to follow a regular exercise routine. The poll commissioned by the Department of Health found that only 27 per cent of adults questioned met the recommended 150 minutes of physical activity per week and of these 76 per cent of the men and 63 per cent of the women were married. The researchers suggested that this is because married people “let themselves go” as they become more comfortable with each other.

8. Exercise is very good for brain function!

Maintaining a regular exercise routine is very effective in improving your brains function.  Physical activity increases the amount of blood that flows to your brain which increases the amount of oxygen and other nutrients that is transported to your brain.  Exercise also releases serotonin in your brain which is the human body’s natural anti-depressant.  Serotonin is the chemical that is responsible for maintaining mood balance and a serotonin deficiency can lead to depression.

9. Women And Men Respond To Exercise In Different Ways

Exercise is a great activity to engage in as a couple, however it may not be a good idea for women to follow the exact same workout regime as their partner. A new study by researchers at the University of Missouri shows that women and men respond to exercise and diet in different ways, and that women need to do a lot more exercise and pay more attention to their diet to reap the same results as men. While exercising with your partner is a great way to stay motivated, try to tailor your workout to get the results you want.

10. Morning Exercise Could Make You Ill

While daily exercise is great for your health, research suggests that night owls may have an advantage over early-bird exercisers. A study by a researcher from Brunel University, Middlesex, found that heavy training sessions early in the morning compromised the immune system and put athletes at increased risk of infection from bacteria and viruses. While a morning jog or gentle exercise session is unlikely to put you at great risk – and may in fact be a great way to start the day – it may be best to save heavier workouts for later in the day.

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