Top 10 Healthiest Countries in the World

  1. Spain

Jumping five places in this year’s ranking is Spain, overtaking Italy into top spot as the world. It seems like paella and gazpacho will be making it onto healthy food trend lists going forward with Mediterranean cuisine a clear winner for the Southern European country. 

By 2040 Spain is expected to have have the highest life expectancy in the world

2. Monaco – Life Expectancy: 89.50

Because the European country is so wealthy, many residents of Monaco have their own chefs to plan healthy meals for them.  But there’s a less obvious dynamic going on as well: many residents are retired or do not need to work, eliminating a significant source of anxiety, and, thus, associated health problems.

3. Japan

Life Expectancy:  84.19 (2013 EST.)

Why it’s Healthy: Put simply, the Japanese eat very well- they eat fish versus red meat, eat less dairy, butter, and milk, eat seaweed that is high in iodine, drink a lot of green tea, eat plenty of vegetables, and consume small portions.

4. Italy

First place was just out of reach for Italy in this year’s ranking with the Mediterranean nation well known for its great weather, plentiful natural wonders, and some of the world’s best, and seemingly healthiest, food.

Research has shown that Mediterranean diets are among the world’s healthiest and Italy maintaining a high life expectancy as well as boasting a so-called “Blue Zone” for high quality of life in Sardinia. 

5. Singapore – Life Expectancy: 85

Singapore’s government promotes a clean and healthy environment through education, volunteering, and regulations.  It’s likely that the country is so clean and the people so generally healthy because residents strive to be in compliance with national rules

6. Greece

Life Expectancy:  82.98 (2013 EST.)

Why it’s Healthy: The Greek live on a balanced Mediterranean diet of olive oil and fish.  In addition, they are active on the water and on the varied terrain of the country.  Remember that the Olympics started in Greece, so being active is part of their ancient culture.

7. Andora – Life Expectancy:  82.80

Located in the eastern Pyrenees and bordered by Spain and France, Andorra enjoys many of the benefits of its European neighbors: a Mediterranean diet, an active lifestyle, and mountain-based activities throughout the year.

8. Switzerland

Life Expectancy:  82.28 (2013 EST.)

Why it’s Healthy: The Swiss are in such great shape because they climb mountains just to get in their front door! Not only do they enjoy winter sports in the winter, but the mountains serve equally as a playground for the Swiss in the summer, for hiking and mountaineering. Unlike American ski areas that turn into ghost towns when the spring snow retreats, the Swiss take full advantage of their mountains every month of the year.

9. Iceland

A tiny, remote island in the North Atlantic it may be, but Iceland packs a punch well above its size when it comes to public health. Despite dropping from second place last time out, Iceland has a high life expectancy and a Nordic style welfare system with a vastly public healthcare model. 

10. Sweden

Sweden, which boasts a strong government funded healthcare system which takes up approximately 12% of GDP, among the world’s highest. 

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